App Card Generator

A Twitter App Card Meta Tag Generator is a tool that helps you create the meta tags that are needed for Twitter App Cards.

Twitter App Cards are rich media experiences that can be attached to Tweets, such as images, videos, and product information. They can help to make your Tweets more visually appealing and informative, and they can also help to drive traffic to your mobile app.
The Twitter @username the card should be attributed to.
Should be the numeric representation of your app ID in the App Store (.i.e. “307234931”)
Should be the numeric representation of your app ID in the App Store (.i.e. “307234931”)
Should be the numeric representation of your app ID in the Google Play (.i.e. “”)
If your application is not available in the US App Store, you must set this value to the two-letter country code for the App Store that contains your application.


Insert the following code into the <head> section of your webpage.
<meta name="twitter:card" content="app">

<!-- Iphone -->

<!-- Ipad --> 

<!-- Google Play --> 

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